Photo of Dr Martin Luther King Jr as a Baby

Dr. Rex in Birmingham Jail

By Dr. David Childs, Ph.D.
Northern Kentucky University

With the commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King'southward life and piece of work it is a proficient time to have a deeper look at his legacy. The celebrations of Martin Luther King usually consist of an emphasis on his most pop speeches, his marches and also his death. Although, popular tributes to King are of the utmost importance, they fail to take an in-depth analysis of his more complex and sophisticated ideas. When one delves deep into the works of Dr. Martin Luther King, 1 discovers that he talked a lot about many democratic principles such as justice, freedom, equality, fairness and creating what he called the "beloved community." These principles can utilise to societal challenges today. This article offers resources that can help students, the general public, teachers and scholars take a more than in-depth look at Dr. Martin Luther Rex, Jr. It provides some information and resources outside of mainstream portrayals of Dr. King that may be useful tools in addressing some of the social and political challenges in which we find ourselves today.

King Was Non Always Popular
Dr. King was vilified, harassed and eventually murdered because his ideas challenged the status quo and the established order. Ironically, many people that celebrate Dr. King in our fourth dimension would not have supported him when he was living and would have considered him to exist a radical. Martin was a human being of cracking integrity, who was very kind and selfless as well. Withal, his unpopularity came because he courageously spoke out and pushed confronting the establishment. Stephen and Paul Kendrick in an April 3, 2018 Washington Mail service Op Ed article wrote "In our long effort to moderate Male monarch, to make him safe, we have forgotten how unpopular he had become by 1968. In his last years, King was harassed, dismissed and often saddened. These years subsequently Selma are often dealt with in a narrative rush toward martyrdom, highlighting his weariness. But what is missed is his resilience nether despair. It was when his plans faltered nether duress that something essential emerged. The final period of King's life may be exactly what nosotros need to recall, bringing lessons from that time of turmoil to our fourth dimension of disillusion." Right upwards unto the day that he died, King had many critics, but afterward he was killed people celebrated and praised him. Mayhap this is because many people are non always willing to make sacrifices, only when the fourth dimension comes for accolades there are no shortage of supporters.

  • How might Dr. Rex'southward ideas near equality and moral law exist applied to some of the sociopolitical challenges nosotros run into in our time?
    Most Americans Didn't Approve of Martin Luther Male monarch Jr. Before His Death, Polls Bear witness
    Rex was unpopular and demoralized earlier he died. He pressed on anyway

Dr. King'due south "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" Addresses Some of His Critics
Dr. King's letter from the Birmingham Jail is a good source too add to the discussion about the many critics he had. Martin chose to go into the ministry building afterwards kickoff considering being a medical dr. or lawyer. In his writings, he states that the church building and his role as a government minister gave him the all-time resources and platform to respond "an inner urge to serve humanity." Thus, the opinions of his fellow ministers (He directs the letter to his "fellow clergymen") was very of import to him. Manifestly in King's day many of the ministers were very critical of the work he had been doing. He starts off stating "while bars hither in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities unwise and untimely." He goes on to say that "If I sought to reply all the criticisms that cantankerous my desk, my secretaries would accept little fourth dimension for anything other than such correspondence in the grade of the solar day, and I would take no time for constructive work. Just since I feel that you are men of genuine expert volition and that your criticisms are sincerely set up forth, I want to effort to answer your statement in what I promise volition be patient and reasonable terms." As evident in this quote, one can clearly annotation that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not always viewed equally the kindly, soft, superhero in which society views him today. Equally the letter also indicates, some of the disapproval came from his colleagues in the ministry. To be fair, Martin enjoyed immense popularity among many people, but he had just every bit many enemies as he had admirers, if not more.
Letter from Birmingham Jail

King's Not-Violence Stance Was Not Always and so Certain
I of the principles King is most noted for is his practice of nonviolent resistance. However, it is not common knowledge that he did not start out this way early in his work. But, through much of the literature he read and those who mentored him he moved in that direction. His advisers showed him an alternative to violence and how nonviolent resistance can human activity as a powerful tool. The goal was not to humiliate ane's opponent but to win them over every bit a friend. He took to the idea also because of his religious beliefs as a Christian and a Baptist minister. 2 of King's main advisers were Christian theologian Howard Thurman and white activists Harris Wofford, from the Christian pacifist tradition. Some other 1 of King'south key mentors was veteran African-American ceremonious rights activist Bayard Rustin, who helped coach and railroad train him in strategies of not-violent resistance. Both Wofford and Rustin both studied Gandhi's teachings and exposed King to his philosophies. In King'due south early on activism in the 1950'south he rarely used the term "nonviolence" and knew very fiddling virtually Gandhi's work. Surprisingly, Male monarch did not ever subscribe to nonviolence and early on believed in self-defence force. King had fifty-fifty purchased firearms to protect his family unit from attackers in his home. Later on in his activism he strongly and publicly denounced the personal use of guns, nonetheless Dr. King ever had  conflicted views of cocky-defense. Fifty-fifty though he spoke out against cocky-defence, many of his associates carried fire arms to protect him. So perhaps he was influenced by the realities of his day and black activist who unapologetically advocated for the use of violence if necessary.
Dr. King'due south Nonviolence Stance

Deeper Concepts in King'south "I Take a Dream Speech" Often Missed
In the media and at MLK events when one hears excerpts from King's most popular spoken communication entitled "I have a Dream", it is heard starting from the climax toward the end of the oral communication that repeats "I have a dream." Nosotros hear King brainstorm this segment with the lines "I say to you today, my friends, and then fifty-fifty though we face up the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that i day this nation volition ascent up and live out the truthful significant of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-axiomatic: that all men are created equal." Fifty-fifty though these words are electrifying and speak of high moral ideals, people miss equally deep and powerful concepts discussed before in the speech. For example, in an earlier part of the speech Dr. King states: "Now is the time to brand existent the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to brand justice a reality for all of God's children." Even though these words were spoken in 1963 it applies to our time flow every bit if it were written for today. At that place has long been the popular notion that America has moved well past the injustices and racial prejudices of the Ceremonious Rights era, however with the rising of hate groups, white supremacy and racial rhetoric in our society, information technology seems that the nation has regressed and given way again to racial divisions on a broad scale. Indeed, the line "Now is the time to elevator our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood" can be applied to today equally our country becomes more and more divided along racial lines, Martin'due south "I Take a Dream Speech" speech reminds us that racial injustice can human action as quicksand that can impede progress in our land; it can cause us to exist stuck. Just Male monarch'south legacy reminds us to elevator upwardly our nation  toward a more simply society.
Original "I Take Dream" Transcript

Give-and-take Questions:
• What progress has been fabricated in terms of racial reconciliation sense Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'southward time?
• How much progress take we really made in terms of race relations and equality since the Ceremonious Rights era?
• Are in that location incidents, events or attitudes in today's society that remind us of the times in which Dr. Rex lived? If so, what are they?
• Dr. Martin Luther Male monarch Jr. talked a proficient deal virtually race, but he besides talked about economic injustice, do y'all remember we have made much progress in terms of economic equality?
• If Martin were living today how would he feel about order? What kinds of things might he be saying?
Below are a number of lesson plans and resources for teachers and students that offer a more in-depth study of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lesson Plans
Classroom Resources for Martin Luther King, Jr. Twenty-four hour period, Grades K-5
Classroom Resources for Martin Luther King, Jr. Twenty-four hour period, Grades 6-8
Classroom Resources for Martin Luther Male monarch, Jr. Day, Grades 9-12
Lesson Plans & Instructor Guides

Sermons and Speech Transcripts
The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life," Sermon Delivered at Friendship Baptist Church
"Loving Your Enemies," Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church building
"But If Not" – A Sermon by Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Why Jesus Chosen A Man A Fool" (Sermon) Martin Luther Male monarch Jr.

Sermons/Speeches- Audiovisual Resources
Our God Is Marching On! (March 25, 1965)
MLK: Across Vietnam — A Time to Intermission Silence
Martin Luther Male monarch, Jr., American Dream
Martin Luther King – Just if Not – Full Sermon
Martin Luther King's Concluding Speech: "I've Been To The Mountaintop"
Conclusion of "I've Been To The Mountaintop" Speech
Martin Luther King, Jr., "What Is Your Life's Design?"
Martin Luther Male monarch "If I had Sneezed"

Other Audiovisual Resources
Mahalia Jackson singing & Martin Luther King Jr preaching at Church building
Martin Luther King, Jr. – Minister & Civil Rights Activist

The Greatest MLK Speeches Y'all Never Heard
Martin Luther Rex Jr.
Martin Luther Rex Jr. was stabbed by a deranged woman. At 29, he nigh died.
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Is Slain in Memphis; A White Is Suspected; Johnson Urges Calm


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